
November 17, 2022

New member cards, ID numbers for All Savers health plans

Integration of All Savers plans into other UnitedHealthcare commercial plans begins Dec. 1

Starting Dec. 1, 2022, members who are covered under an All Savers health plan will be integrated into other level-funded commercial UnitedHealthcare health plans. This transition will occur monthly over the next year, in alignment with plan renewal dates. As part of this transition, which is tied to the implementation of a new commercial claims processing system, members will receive new health plan ID cards with updated ID numbers and other core information.

December transition details

  • States: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, North Dakota, New Jersey and South Dakota
  • Affected membership: Approximately 400 members transition in December; other monthly waves will transition larger groups of members 
  • Key changes: New card logos, member ID, group numbers, payer ID, RX group number, provider contact details, pharmacist contact details and medical claims mailing address

Action needed

To prevent issues with prior authorizations or claims, please ask for the member ID card at each visit and verify that the information in your systems matches the new information. View the Quick Reference Guide for complete details on these member ID card changes.

Program background

The transition of All Savers health plans into other UnitedHealthcare commercial plans is tied to our implementation of a new commercial claims processing system. In September 2021, UnitedHealthcare launched a phased rollout of the enhanced system, which is designed to simplify benefits, claims, payments and referral processes. Initially, the transition occurred with new health care plans. The transition of existing customers/health plans to the new platform began in September 2022 and continues through 2023 as plans renew. 

The All Savers plans will transition to one of the following commercial products: Choice, Choice Plus, Flex Focus, Freedom (Oxford), Freedom Plus (Oxford), Liberty (Oxford), Liberty Plus (Oxford), Metro (Oxford), Navigate and Primary Focus.

Questions? We’re here to help.

If you have any questions about this transition, please contact your Provider Advocate. You can also visit our Contact Us page for more information.

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