
October 24, 2022

Florida: Action required for Medicaid wage increase

Effective Oct. 1, 2022, a new state mandate is in effect requiring Medicaid providers in Florida to pay their employees a minimum hourly wage of $15. This mandate permits employees making less than $15 after Jan. 1, 2023, to bring a civil action in court against the provider.

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Florida is amending your reimbursement rates, as needed, to comply with the wage increase mandate. This is a targeted increase and not an overall increase for all providers. It also doesn’t provide additional reimbursement to pay for staff already receiving $15 or more per hour.

What you need to do

The Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) required all Medicaid providers to sign the Supplemental Wage Agreement by Oct. 1, 2022. This agreement is your attestation that you’ve read and will comply with the wage increase mandate. If you haven’t already signed the agreement, sign in to the secure Florida Medicaid portal and select Supplemental Minimum Wage Agreement from the Quick Link section.

Florida Medicaid providers who bill exclusively under the fee schedules listed in the section “Medicaid Fee-For-Service Fee Schedules NOT Receiving an Increase” are not required to sign the supplemental wage agreement. Go to the Florida Medicaid Web Portal for a list of unaffected fee schedules. 


For more information, please visit the AHCA page on Florida Medicaid Provider Minimum Wage Requirements. Reach out to your provider advocate for more information. 

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