Starting Jan. 1, 2023, providers with Rocky Mountain Health Plan contracts will notice the following changes:
You are not required to join the UnitedHealthcare or Optum networks to continue participating with Rocky Mountain Health Plan networks.
Please use the following resources to submit claims, request prior authorizations and manage administrative tasks:
Through Dec. 31, 2022:
Starting Jan. 1, 2023:
If you're interested in joining our network or recredentialing with us, we’ll work with you to verify your qualifications, practice history, certifications and registration to practice in a health care field. To get started:
If you are interested in joining the Optum network for behavioral health services, go to Our Network page on Provider Express
You may also visit the Training page on Provider Express for information about Optum network news, tools and resources.
If you have other questions about the transition, call Rocky Mountain Health Plans at 800-854-4558.