
January 01, 2023

Help your patients find a network lab

To keep health care costs low, we encourage our members to use network labs, wherever possible. As a network provider, you play a key role in directing members to network facilities.

Your network participation agreement with us requires you to send patients to in-network labs for non-emergency care. This helps ensure they don’t incur excess out-of-pocket expenses.

In cases where a service is not available and requires a member to use out-of-network lab, you must get patient consent or UnitedHealthcare approval before you write the referral. Go to the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal at for information on referral request requirements.

If you can’t find an in-network provider for a specific service, visit our provider directory or call us at the Provider Services number listed on the member’s ID card before referring the member. We’ll work with you to find a provider for the requested services.

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