
Explore the technology tiers offered through AARP® Hearing Solutions™ provided by UnitedHealthcare Hearing

April 2023

AARP® Hearing Solutions™ provided by UnitedHealthcare Hearing is the newest hearing care program designed for AARP members. It offers greater hearing care that aims for affordability, up-to-date products, and additional plan savings on hearing aids and accessories.

The program offers 4 technology tiers:

  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Classic
  • Premier

A 4‑year extended warranty is offered to Classic and Premier technologies only. Silver and Gold technology levels continue to have a 3‑year warranty. Check your authorization for the correct bill-to account number when placing an order. All AARP orders require a new bill-to account number.

Member’s formulary doesn’t include your technology

If the member’s formulary doesn’t include the level of technology you recommend for the member’s hearing loss, an alternate product request should be initiated by calling Provider Care at 855-523-9355.

We’ll send you an alternate product request form that you can complete and submit along with an audiogram and your recommendation form. This should be signed by both the provider and the patient.

Learn more

Be prepared the next time an AARP member comes to your practice. Explore our self-paced educational course to learn about AARP Hearing Solutions provided by UnitedHealthcare Hearing.

Did you know?

The top 2 technology levels purchased through AARP Hearing Solutions are Gold and Premier.